My job opportunities

Our job agent will keep you updated

All vacancies in Danske Fragtmænd A/S are posted on, so we encourage you to sign up for our job agent. This is the quickest and easiest way to keep track of interesting and relevant job opportunities within the group. The job agent will send you an email when we advertise new jobs that match your wishes.

Sign up for the job agent

Register in our job bank

We’re often on the lookout for new committed employees for our locations throughout Denmark. You are therefore very welcome to send us an unsolicited application. You can do this by registering in our job bank and adding your information, career aspirations and CV. When we advertise a job, we will review the job bank and contact you if your profile matches the position.

Job bank

Are you looking for a job as a lorry driver?

If you’re looking for a job as a lorry driver, and we do not have a vacancy posted, you can contact your local carrier.

Find your local carrier here

Here you can read more about working as a driver for Danske Fragtmænd.

Do you want to be our next trainee?

You can also start your career as a trainee or apprentice with Danske Fragtmænd – then all roads will be open to you.

Read more here